Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What is the benefit of the warm-up? Do I really need it?

Everyone says to warm up for 10 to 15 minutes at the beginning of your workout. But are there times you could safely skip the warm up and get right to work, especially when you're in a hurry? ( No!) How important is warming up? (Very!)What does it accomplish, and how long does it take? ( A lot ) Here are some points to consider the next time you think it's a good idea to skip it.

Why warm up?

A solid warm-up is always a good idea. Its purpose is to increase your metabolic rate slowly so that your energy production systems have time to adjust. Oxygen delivery to the exercising muscles occurs more easily at higher muscle temperatures. A warm-up increases blood flow to the working muscles and improves the ability of the muscles to prepare for work. This makes exercise feel easier, so that you can enjoy your activities more.

A warm-up is important for all physical activity. Examples would be TB-TB, Course A Jog/Run, Running in Place, treadmill, rower, elliptical, etc. A warm-up allows the heart to increase gradually so that oxygenated blood can support working muscles.

An athlete wouldn't think of performing without a warm-up, since muscles function better at higher temperatures. Here is a brief on what is taking place in your body physically during your warm-up:

  • Our muscles contract and relax more quickly and move more easily. 
  • The various energy production systems go into high gear, 
  • Our nervous system accelerates transmission of information, so coordination improves 
  • Exercises also value the psychological benefits of a good warm-up as they prepare for their upcoming activity.

Some of you have noticed that, when we are warming up, from time to time I ask you not to take your tracksuits, sweat tops or pants off. Why? Because we are establishing a better work environment for your body to perform physical activity. Taking off your extra clothing right when the body is adapting to the warm-up can be counterproductive. We lose all of the heat that, with a few extra minutes, can help enhance your workout. Remember, heat is a form of energy. When lost, there is a deficiency. As a result we have to work just as hard to maintain what we are losing.

What's the best way to warm up?

A good warm-up mimics the activity you will be doing, but at a lower intensity that gradually builds to your workout pace. ( i.e. Dynamic stretches ) It may also include other types of exercises to raise your heart rate and body temperature ( running in place ). Once you are warm, static stretching exercises can be performed too prevent injury.

Warm-up with a brisk walk outside or on the treadmill or bike. Simply begin your walk at at comfortable pace and gradually speed up after five or 10 minutes. You may stretch before the warm -up, at the end of your walk, or both.

A group exercise leader may present segments of an upcoming routine for about 10 minutes, perform some limbering and stretching exercises, and then pick up the pace. Athletes preparing to play a sport might perform a general warm-up that includes low-intensity aerobic activity, calisthenics and stretching, followed by a specific warm-up with movements that mimic their event.

Is warm-up always necessary?

People with cardiovascular and respiratory risk factors (which includes most adults) should be especially careful to begin activity at a low intensity that takes 10 to 15 minutes to build to a moderate pace. Many people have old injuries that require extra care, or certain areas that seem more prone to overuse injuries, such as tendinitis. A little extra attention to these special areas, before and after physical activity, can provide a bit of physical therapy to prevent future problems.

When is the best time perform static stretches?

The best time to static stretch is when muscles and joints are nice and warm. A few brief stretches after the warm-up may help prevent injury, especially in sensitive areas. A longer period of stretching (10 or more minutes) after your workout, when you are usually the warmest, will help maintain or increase flexibility.

These are a few ideas to help you take advantage of the thermodynamic relationship between a good warm-up and how it can help enhance your fitness performance and minimize your risk for injury.

Best fitness wishes,
Abu Pigott DC
Aurora Baxter