Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Common Cold: Dos and Don'ts!

Hello NEXT LEVEL members

  As we change seasons our bodies adapt to these changes also. For some of us our immunity is compromised and as a result of temperature changes we become exposed to the common cold. Below is a simple common sense outline for minimizing your risk to yourself and others.

            -Hit the gym-lightly. If you don’t have a fever and need a little boost, a low intensity, shorter workout could give you the energy you need to power through a rough day. For example when riding the recumbent bike have the level between level 3-4 rather than 6 or 7 and just ride it out over a longer time period. Your body will tell you when your doing to much!J

            -Stay hydrated. Fluids are important, even when you aren’t sick. Flush out those toxins with some good ol’ H20 or warm tea. If you need to sweeten your beverage a teaspoon of honey or sugar is appropriate. Because we alter our eating habits when not feeling well. The sugar can act as a way of getting carbohydrates into your system.

            -Drive if you aren’t able. Some cold medications make you drowsy, to the point of intoxication. Keep the roads safe and get a designated driver if you absolutely must go somewhere.

            -Push yourself too hard. Recovery time is important. Stay in bed, stay hydrated, and try to pace yourself so that you don’t make your condition worse.

            -Fly. Postpone those work trips if you can, they will make your stuffy sinuses even worse. Dry air irritates sinuses, and the elevation changes can be painful for already stuffed up ears.

            -Cough on other people-or items. Cover your cough!  Use either your elbow or shoulder to cough into. Also get into the habit of carrying tissue or a handkerchief. It’s common courtesy and common sense to protect yourself and others.

Try not to get other people sick. If it’s that bad, stay home.

Well folks, hope these tips helped and that you all stay happy and healthy this winter!

Dr. Abu Pigott
Aurora Baxter