Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to Plan your food plate......

We all know that to reach an ideal weight whether it's weight loss or weight gain. It largely depends upon the type of food we choose to consume on a daily basis. It's difficult to achieve the aforementioned goals without focusing on the quality, type and preparation of the foods that we are about to eat throughout the day.

I have enclosed for your review some ideas on how to prepare your plate for the foods you are about to eat. This is the First point in managing your daily food caloric intake.

If you look at a typical food plate in your house. See this link:Plate (dishware) - Wikipedia

Appetizer, dessert, salad plate, and side plates: vary in size from 4 to 9 inches. Bread and butter plate: small (about 6–7 inches) for individual servings. Lunch or dessert plates (typically 9 inches) Dinner plates: large (10–12 inches), including buffet plates, serving plates which tend to be larger (11–14 inches)

View the image below. What do you think is the right answer? Which plate has the most food on it?

The best way to prepare your plate for food is to:

Divide your plate. Where a 1/2 of your plate is comprised of vegetables, 1/4 is comprised of protein, 1/4 is carbohydrates. Colors should be on your plate in as much a raw state as possible. ( Don't over cook food!! )

The 1/4 spaces could be protein from: ( beans, meat, dairy, tofu, fish, quinoa ). The 1/4 spaces could be for carbohydrates: ( whole grain breads, rice, potatoes, pasta, beans )

Second point. You should approach all food choices throughout the day with this in Mind:

Does it have things with color ( vegetables )?
Does it have a complex sugars ( rice, potatoes, pasta )?
Does it have protein ( meats, fish, dairy, chicken)
Is it 1/2,1/4,1/4 portioned already or do I need to make it like that?
Always consume fluid preferably water minimum of 16.9 fl oz.

Nutrition experts say not to eat after a certain time i.e after 8PM. But in the real world with the odd hours we have and the extracurricular activities in which we like too participate. We have to be doubly aware of the things we are choosing to eat to maintain our lifestyle.

Third point. Practice the above as best as you can. To make it easier; plan the day before or first thing in the morning; to determine what your best food options/choices are throughout the day.

Hope this helps you make better food decisions to help you maintain, lose or gain the weight you want.
