Welcome to the year 2016. Well we are into a new year with new challenges and opportunities awaiting us. As always we all want to strive for those goals we some how missed to complete in 2015 and with a new year we hope to steer ourselves back on course.
So for clarity. I don't make resolutions because inevitably I will break them. So my attitude is to write down all the things that I want to accomplish and make a chart from it. I prioritize what I consider most important and I give myself a time frame to complete these tasks based on what is on the chart. Short term tasks I give myself week to as long as a month. Long term can be a few weeks to months.
Then I tackle each of them. Sometimes it can be multiple ( i.e 2 -3 ) or 1 project. As they are completed I scratch them off the list. That is what I use to help me stay focused and on course. So in a way they are more constructive resolutions.
Remember that the fitness lifestyle we live is not for short term results. Its for lifetime results. That confirms that our approach must be consistent and productive.
So let's all get our charts set up. Write down what you want to get done this year and begin your journey to accomplishment and fulfillment. Below is an example:
Remember that the chart is there to help organize your actions to complete projects. It shouldn't be a chart that causes you stress or dread. If it does re-prioritize what you need done and make it more user friendly.
Hope this helps.
NEXT LEVEL Personal Fitness Systems
A. Pigott DC