Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Part three: How to get the best sleep

This is the final part to our three part series on "Getting a better nights sleep". In part 1 and part 2 we started a conversation about different sleeping patterns. From those two parts we began to see that there are a number of factors that can influence our sleep patterns.

In part 2 we asked a few questions so that you could identify certain sleep patterns that you maybe experiencing. In part 3 we are going to offer a few solutions that can help you make subtle changes to your sleep. So that over time you can start getting more out of a place we spend at least a 1/3 of our day.

Here are some ideas to help you facilitate a good nights sleep:

1. Begin by setting a realistic time for you too go to bed. I know you want to watch your favorite TV show.
But staying up until 11:00 PM or later to accomplish this may not be doing you any favors. We live in an age where we can record our shows and see them not only at different times but on a multitude of devices. Try and allocate time where your more likely to have a break to catch up on the latest episode.
Research as stated that getting good sleep ( anywhere from 6 -8 hours of uninterrupted sleep ) can make us more productive through out the day.

2. Time your last meal.  Foods consumed late at night, in particular sugar based foods interfere with our bodies blood sugar and can create a two fold situation.  First, we store any excess food that is not metabolized by activity in our body fat. Secondly, because we aren't active any excess blood sugar is released by urinating at night. So here are two clear ways that we can have interrupted sleep patterns!

3. Turn off the lights. LED from watches, phones, computers and the cable box emit a low level infrared band of light that our bodies get stimulated by and therefore we have restless sleep.

4. Try stretching before bed.
This helps release our endorphins which are our bodies natural opioids to ease tight muscles and stiff joints.

5. Take a nice warm shower. Not hot nor cold but warm. Also by using a wash cloth and soap it will create a massaging effect that can stimulate your superficial blood vessels to dilate and bring increased oxygen rich blood circulating through your whole body.

Sometimes some of us need to take over-the-counter or nutritional supplements. Supplements such as Melatonin and over the counter medicines like Lunestra can help some of us get a few zzz's for the night. But by and large they can be temporary solutions.

The above conservative approaches are some simple yet effective modifications to help yourselves achieve a good nights sleep. With consistency and paying attention to the little habits that we have before we retire to bed. We can improve this most vital of functions so that we can have a well balanced life.

If you can think of something that you have done to help you get some good shut eye please share!

Hope this helps!