.....is when you are able on both good and bad days still maintain focus and go out too exercise. That to me is the real challenge in training. Sticking with a fitness program and persevering. Easier said than done.

The best way I know to make change is take action immediately and stick with it. Let's face it some days we just aren't in the mood for fitness. That doesn't mean that I quit. It's just a temporary rest period to give myself time to regenerate. But I always follow up with my fitness activity. Sometimes it may be 2 - 4 days that I don't exercise. I'll know because my body gives me the signals. The blah's, the sluggishness, tired, normal everyday tasks are a challenge. It's all part of the bodies attempt to jolt you back on the right track and get back on the fitness bandwagon.
Once you start up again it's quite easy to move forward from there. But the key is starting! What needs to be done more than anything else is making fitness fun and simple and
YOU doing something that you can enjoy on a regular basis.
We can begin by settings little goals to help you i.e:
- Time a walking course in your neighborhood.
- Ride your bike as fast as you can between work or on a bike path.
- Run a distance in a certain time.
- Perform so many minutes of fitness activities.
Be Creative .......!
If your at a lost for what is appropriate for you're current fitness level talk to me and we can figure something out.
Hope this gives you some insight that you can implement immediately.