Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Your NEXT LEVEL Guide to Smoothies!

Smoothies have been considered a popular health drink for a long time. However, there are pros and cons to drinking you calories instead of choosing to eat them. Here are some tips on how to enjoy smoothies while leading a healthy lifestyle.

1. Make your smoothies at home.
When you eat smoothies at a restaurant (especially a commercial chain), you run the risk of ingesting extra sugar or artificial flavorings that you don’t want in your body. When you throw a banana, a tablespoon or two of peanut butter, and some soy milk in a blender at home, you know exactly what you’re getting—healthy goodness! It doesn’t take much time to throw a few ingredients in a blender and take it to go—make the extra effort!

2. Track calories.
Whether you choose to eat out or make your own smoothies, make sure to watch your caloric intake. Smoothies are a great option for lunch on the go, because you can eat them quickly; slurp them down too fast, however, and you might end up overindulging before your body has the chance to feel satiated. Sip slow and be aware! Unless you are using smoothies to help you gain weight, it is important to monitor your portion sizes!

3. Pick smoothies over juice.
Smoothies retain fiber from the fruits and veggies you blend, unlike juicing, which liquefies the product entirely. Fiber keeps you full! You’re less likely to overeat if you pick fibrous options, so skip the apple juice and go for a protein and vegetable/fruit packed smoothie instead.

4. Vary your diet.
While smoothies can definitely be a great on-the-go snack or meal, make sure it’s not the only type of food you are consuming! Fresh salads and fruits, grilled, lean proteins, and the like are guaranteed to be more filling options (remember: fiber is your friend!).

Furthermore, sitting down to a meal makes the entire experience a more enjoyable one. It encourages you to slow down, savor the flavors and the nutrition you are taking in, and even bond with loved ones around a table! Having a positive attitude towards your meals is just as important as watching calories and your waistline! Mental and physical health go hand in hand!

Well, folks, hope these tips helped give you a better understanding of how to incorporate smoothies into your lifestyle in a healthy and diet-friendly way. Stay well!

Dr. Abu Pigott
Aurora Baxter